Make a Donation to
Help Our Community
We assist with special needs as they arise, we have found new beds for
a family that lost theirs to bedbug infestation, we have provided lunch
for teachers and staff, we participate in Trunk or Treat, supply drives for
local food pantries, serve meals at meal ministries like Johnson County
Food Ministries and Meals-on-Wheels, we recently donated to help
purchase school supplies for students who enter the area late and start
school late and dont have supplies, etc
Welcome to Merriam Christian Church! Our parking
lot and main entrance are located on the south side
of the church. While you are here we have excellent
nursery care for newborns through pre-school age
and Children’s Chruch available every Sunday.
Whatever is going on, you can join in, whether it is
worship or working in the community or deepening
faith. If you see something you want to be a part of,
there is a spot for you!
A traditional worship service is at 10:00 am in the
sanctuary located on the upper level of the building.
The service takes about an hour to an hour-and-fifteen
minutes and its live streamed as well.
Worship with us Sundays at 10 am on site or online. This worship service
features hymns, prayer, scripture and a message.
Merriam Christian Church has the beautiful
space and traditional features to make
your wedding a day to remember. From
the center aisle to the colorful stained glass
to the gorgeous wood rafters, the
sanctuary provides the decorative
backdrop you are hoping to find.
We insure that proper background checks
and training are provided for our nursery
staff. Young kids are cared for and
nurtured in a safe setting that allows
parents time to focus on their spiritual
development. Nursery care is available
during all church services and events.
As we remember the
ways we have been a
part of this community
over the last century,
we look to the future
with hope and opti-
mism to where God is
leading us tomorrow.
We connect with God through worship
and earnest searching and we connect
with community through involvement
and compassion.
We serve God in ministry and mission
and we serve other people like Jesus
served them, with grace and love.
We seek to grow in faith, striving to be
more like Jesus, and we seek to grow
in relationship, walking with brothers
and sisters on this journey of life.
We believe that the grace we have
found in Jesus is meant to be shared
and spread, through our actions and
walk every day.
The information you submit goes
directly to Merriam Christian Church.
MCC will respond within 24 hours. If
you have a prayer request or crisis,
you can contact us here or call
the church at (913) 432-2390.
Back to School 2022
In Conjunction with Center of Grace and Local Grade Schools
Girls & Boys Underwear… ALL SIZES
Girls & Boys Socks.. ALL SIZES
School Supplies:
Spiral Notebooks (Wide Rule)
Colored Folders no prongs
Pencils #2
Large Markers Non-Permanent
Dry Erase Markers (Mix of Black & Color)
Glue Sticks
Pink Erasers
These items may be purchased and brought to the MCC for distribution or you
can make a donation to Make a Difference and we will do the shopping for you.
Just add School Supplies to the memo line on your check or note on your
EasyTithe offering.
Betty Cline
5300 W. 61th Pl. Room 202N
Mission, KS 66202
Betty Cline
Betty is celebrating her birthday on
Friday, August 5th. Her address is below
if you would like to send her a card.