We believe that the grace we have found in Jesus is
meant to be shared and spread, through our actions
and walk every day.
The information you submit goes directly to Merriam
Christian Church. MCC will respond within 24 hours. If
you have a prayer request or crisis, you can contact us
here or call the church at (913) 432-2390.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Through
Christ's example we are led. Through Christ's
sacrifice we are forgiven. Through Christ's
resurrection we are hopeful. At MCC, our
beliefs and values are Christian, based on the
overall beliefs of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ), Biblical reference, and
the inspired example Jesus gave to us. In
summary, we believe that…
Merriam Christian Church is
a place where hurting,
searching, needy, less-than-
perfect (MUCH less-than-
perfect) people can come
and encounter the God who
loves them, accepts them,
and completes them on
their spiritual journey.
We believe that it is only God that can truly
forgive us for all of our missteps, miscues, and
mistakes. It is only God that can truly sooth
our pain, comfort our sorrow, and heal our
hurt. It is only God that can complete us, make
us whole, and fill in our empty spaces.
God is the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit as one Trinity.
God loves us and desires to be with us in
communion. God created us and gave us a
path to forgiveness and communion through
his Son, Jesus. God inspires and guides us
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
God blessed us with free will and as such,
we can chose to have a relationship with
God or not. Either way, God still loves each
of us as one of God's unique creations.
God is always there with us, and we move
toward completeness as a person when we
are in connection with God.
Humans were created by God
in God's image.
We believe that everyone is blessed in some
way to be a blessing to others and that we
should use our blessings (God given spiritual
gifts) to bless others. There are many
different kinds of gifts, all given by God, and
we strive to find and utilize our gifts to bless
+ everyone is blessed in some way to be a
blessing to others +
The Church is the body of Christ
and its primary mission is to
make disciples of Jesus Christ
(Matthew 28:19-20).
As the Body of Christ, we seek to follow in
Jesus' example of caring for the poor, the
hurting, the blind, the seeking, the children,
and those who find themselves on the
outside of society looking in (Matthew 25:31-
41) and through these actions of faith we
believe people in our community and our
world will come to know Jesus.
"Where the scriptures speak we speak and
where the scriptures are silent we are
silent" was a founding principal of our
denomination. We view the Bible as a
source for answers and/or a compass for
direction. It is a book of faith that guides us
in areas of faith in our everyday lives.
When we are lost, when we are unsure,
when we are seeking, we turn to scriptures
for guidance and direction. We turn to
scriptures to hear God speaking to us
The Bible is the inspired word
of God and is the primary au-
thority for our faith and
We practice communion every time we
gather for worship. At the communion
table we find acceptance and
transformation. As we are certain that
the world could be changed through
acceptance and transformation, we
practice open communion, where every
person is invited through God's invitation
and welcomed openly to receive God's
In baptism, we practice "believer's
baptism" where a person must be able to
ask to be baptized. We believe that
baptism is a public display of a person's
decision to be closer to God in their life,
modeled after Christ's baptism in the
river Jordan. (Matthew 3:13-17)
We believe in the transformative powers
of the Holy Spirit, and strive to be in
relationship with God, so that we may
bear fruit in this life and the life to come,
by serving the world with “love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-
control.” (Galatians 5:22,23)
+ it is only god that can complete us +